英国の空が「オレンジ」に、ハリケーンや山火事の副産物 2017.10.17 Tue posted at 11:34 JST Tweet 煙の痕跡は1600キロを超えているが、煙の大部分は大気のはるか上空にあるため、英国での健康被害は最小限にとどまる見込み。 風の流れも17日までには変わり、空は晴れる可能性が高そうだ。 Loving the weather in London today. Red Sun caused by the remnants of the storm Ophelia. Used my 400mm to get the close up on the sun and then waited for the clouds to partially cover it. Took this around 2pm. **Update: It's understood now that some of this may have been caused by the fires in Portugal. Martin | London さん(@martinjsylvester)がシェアした投稿 - 2017 10月 16 7:25午前 PDT 1 2