英歌手ダフィーさん、レイプ被害に遭っていた 長期休業の原因に

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英歌手のダフィーさんが過去のレイプ被害を告白した/Friso Gentsch/EPA/Shutterstock

英歌手のダフィーさんが過去のレイプ被害を告白した/Friso Gentsch/EPA/Shutterstock

(CNN) 英ウェールズ出身の女性歌手、ダフィーさんが25日、ファンに向けたインスタグラムの投稿で、過去にレイプや数日間にわたる監禁といった行為の被害を受けていたことを明らかにした。10年近くに及んだ活動休止の原因になったとしている。








You can only imagine the amount of times I thought about writing this. The way I would write it, how I would feel thereafter. Well, not entirely sure why now is the right time, and what it is that feels exciting and liberating for me to talk. I cannot explain it. Many of you wonder what happened to me, where did I disappear to and why. A journalist contacted me, he found a way to reach me and I told him everything this past summer. He was kind and it felt so amazing to finally speak. The truth is, and please trust me I am ok and safe now, I was raped and drugged and held captive over some days. Of course I survived. The recovery took time. There’s no light way to say it. But I can tell you in the last decade, the thousands and thousands of days I committed to wanting to feel the sunshine in my heart again, the sun does now shine. You wonder why I did not choose to use my voice to express my pain? I did not want to show the world the sadness in my eyes. I asked myself, how can I sing from the heart if it is broken? And slowly it unbroke. In the following weeks I will be posting a spoken interview. If you have any questions I would like to answer them, in the spoken interview, if I can. I have a sacred love and sincere appreciation for your kindness over the years. You have been friends. I want to thank you for that x Duffy Please respect this is a gentle move for me to make, for myself, and I do not want any intrusion to my family. Please support me to make this a positive experience.

@ duffyがシェアした投稿 -








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